Canada's 21st Century Wars

The western powers, including (especially) Canada, are now threatening war with Russia. I don't need to remind you that Russia has hydrogen bombs and ICBMs.

The western powers, including (especially) Canada, are hoping to turn Ukraine into a democracy. This is what they tried to do in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Iraq is worse off than it was before the Americans invaded. Canada lost hundreds of soldiers in Afghanistan and that country is no better off.

Libya is even worse, and the attack there was led by Canadians with their bombing. Khadafy’s oil wealth and weapons were spreading some kind of stability throughout the northern half of Africa. He kept the lid on things for decades. Now Canada’s bombing has killed Khadafy and released these weapons which terrorists are now using to cause mayhem as far south as Nigeria.

Ukraine is another story. It has never been an “independent country” but the western powers, including (especially) Canada, are pretending it is. The last big change in Ukraine was 200 years ago when (with popular support) it aligned itself with the Christian Czars in Russia to protect itself from the Muslim Ottoman Turks. The breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 gave room for a dictatorship to take over in Ukraine and pretend it was independent, but it was and remains, in every sense of the words, if not a part of, at least a colony or protectorate of Russia.

Jean Chretien kept us out of Iraq, in spite of pressure from the US and very vocal war support from Harper and Ignatieff. Now Harper is leading the way, with feeble or non-existent opposition from Parliament.
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