Birds for school children

Here is a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star, April 15, 2008. They didn't publish it.

Re: Empty school mocks Toronto's green pledges, April 12

Cameron Smith and Chuck Hopkins believe there are no wild trees in Toronto. They should see our ravines. They would bus our children to the Boyne River Natural Science School to see some of the "87 species of birds sighted". Toronto has well over 200. Rather than add to traffic, air pollution and expense, we should teach our children right here, a short walk from school.

Mayhem in Tucson

There is no legitimate reason to go to a political gathering armed with a semiautomatic pistol with a hundred rounds of ammunition.

Colonel Russel Williams

If I were running the military, any computer in the hands or home of any rank would be accessible 24-7 to and checked regularly by military police. His hard drive was loaded with evidence of his crimes. We should be concerned about leaking of military secrets.
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