How much does your car cost you?
You might be surprised, but here is a list of items you can cost out and get an idea.- Capital cost
- Registration and license
- Insurance
- Maintenance
- Repairs
- Accidents/injuries
- Bad health due to lack of exercise
- more to come
How much does your car cost the rest of us?
- Takes up valuable city space
- Health insurance costs
- more to come
How much does your car cost the environment/climate?
- Carbon in air
- Nitrous oxide in air
- Oil, gasoline, lubricants spilled on the ground and getting into water and atmosphere
- Noise
- more to come
Things you can do driving
- Swear at other drivers, cyclists, pedestrians
- Talk to yourself
- Pick your nose
- Cough
- Fart
- Smoke
- Scratch
Things you can do walking
- Visit your neighbours and their kids
- Pet dogs and cats, tease squirrels
- Admire the trees, rock gardens, flowers
- Exercise
- Find discarded treasures
- Get a date
- Find the love of your life
- Propose marriage
- Steal a kiss